OpenMath Prototype News

Current State

Recently two prototypes have been developed at RIACA, called 2.0R and 2.1R. The first was for a demonstration at an OpenMath mini-meeting in May, the second was for a demonstration at MEGA'96. The main differences between the two prototypes came from discussions at that mini-meeting. So far 2.1R has been implemented in REDUCE and Maple, with an almost complete implementation in CoCoA. An important aspect of the public release of 2.1R is that detailed specifications were included in the release thus allowing users of other systems and languages to build their own implementations: in particular, the group at INRIA(Nice) has taken the challenge to build a prototype "independently" to test the accuracy and completeness of the specifications -- this prototype is called 2.1I (I is for INRIA).

Current designs have assumed point-to-point use of OpenMath, partly because this seems to allow easier designs, and partly because the designers have only limited experience of parallel computation. The restriction to point-to-point will eventually be lifted.

The Truth

The implementations of 2.1R in REDUCE and Maple used file copying (and system calls) as the data transport mechanism, and were thus unacceptably slow for many uses. We recall that the communications committee report specified the interface which the transport layer must offer, but did not require a particular transport mechanism to be used. This file copying mechanism is indeed a compliant OpenMath transport layer, but is practicable only for coarse grained distributed computing.

On a Unix platform the preferred transport medium for interprocess communication would normally be a socket, but currently neither Maple nor REDUCE supports socket operations. The CoCoA implementation is hampered by even more restricted I/O capability, though this should soon be rectified. Direct socket-based intercommunication would make relatively fine grained distributed computing feasible, but before OpenMath (or any similar communications scheme) can be implemented to use sockets directly, the developers of the various systems must make available the necessary socket operations. Similar comments apply to other transport media, other platforms, and other mathematical software packages.

A normal implementation of an OpenMath sender/receiver will comprise an essentially static section of code (corresponding to the conversions between the levels OpenMath object and OpenMath encoding), together with the code forming the phrase book. Normally the phrase book for a given system will have to be updated whenever there is a change in the contexts covering the domain of computation of that system. Thus during the initial stages of OpenMath, many phrase books will change relatively often, more or less hand in hand with the introduction of new contexts or the extension of existing contexts. As OpenMath matures, phrase books will become more static; indeed, for the more specialized systems it is even possible that the phrase book may never need to change. On the other hand, the phrase books for more general mathematical systems may never become completely static -- this should be borne in mind when designing the implementation of the phrase book.

Critical Appraisal

Here we describe some of the main points of the most recent prototype (2.1), and comment on how well the design has worked, and when appropriate suggest ways to improve the design for the next prototype. The order of the points is not special.


One idea common to the last two prototypes is that of the conversation. Conversations were invented to supersede the unpopular idea of "variable anonymization" presented at Bath. The main purpose of a conversation is to maintain a certain amount of global state in which messages are exchanged. The participants in a conversation may refer to and alter the global state during the course of the conversation.

There are three separate parts to this global state: a context of user parameters, a list of OpenMath symbols, and a list of stored values. The first part achieves more or less what "variable anonymization" aimed to accomplish, and extends the idea. The second part permits a compact encoding, and the third allows shared substructure to be retained during transmission. This scheme worked well for the (small) examples used during the demonstrations, and allowed a fairly simple implementation.

The purpose of the list of OpenMath symbols could, in fact, be served by the list of stored values, thereby simplifying the design. This potential simplification to the design should be investigated in a future prototype.

There is currently no way to clear out old stored values which we know will never be used again in the future. The removal of stored values was forbidden so that there was no possible risk of creating a "dangling pointer"; instead there is the risk that a conversation might "fill up" with large amounts of useless stored values. A solution to this problem is not evident; we suspect that in most practical situations excessive "filling up" will not occur, and propose that the problem be ignored for the time being.


Having permitted the existence of global state which can be updated by any member of the conversation at any time, the possibility of race conditions had to be eliminated (because OpenMath does not impose any synchronicity conditions on the participants in a conversation). This difficulty can even arise in point-to-point usage.

A satisfactory solution seems to have been found: the global state is partitioned into pieces each one being "owned" by a single member of the conversation. Each piece is a triple: parameter context, list of OpenMath symbols, and list of stored values. Each member may modify only the piece belonging to itself, but may refer to symbols and values in any piece. Naturally, a reference has to record whose piece the value referred to comes from. This idea is more complicated to describe in words than it is to visualize or to implement.

User Parameters and Phrase Books

We recall that the purpose of the phrase book is to effect the translation between an application specific representation of some mathematical object, and a semantically identical OpenMath object. Additionally, for prototype2.1 we assumed that all symbols appearing in an OpenMath object must come from a context. Consequently, symbols appearing as (user) parameters in a formula must correspond to entries in some context.

To support this, a phrase book is allowed to add new entries to a special run-time context which contains only entries for (user) parameters. The phrase book must also handle the reverse situation: a newly introduced parameter in an OpenMath object must be translated to a symbol different from all other symbols appearing in the application specific representation of that object. This facility was needed for the polynomial decomposition demonstration.

In prototype2.1 only a minimal amount of information about a parameter was included in the context entry: a string being the original "print name" of the parameter. This was a stopgap solution in case the parameter needed to be displayed to the user (e.g. during debugging). A future prototype will surely use a more sophisticated way of indicating how to typeset/print the user symbol; this would include information about whether it is printed as a prefix, infix or postfix operator (or even as a superscript), whether arguments are printed in the usual way or as subscripts/superscripts/etc or perhaps not even printed at all. Assuming OpenMath endorses type information, each parameter would also have some type information, possibly only a partially specified type (e.g. a matrix with unknown dimensions and unknown ring of entries).

Phrase Books and Exported Commands

For these prototypes it was decided that each command exported via an OpenMath interface should be associated with a particular OpenMath symbol; thus remote execution of a command could be effected by issuing the corresponding symbol and the data upon which the command is to act. The human-readable part of the context would explain what precisely the command does, and the types and order of the arguments. In the future we expect that the "signature" of the command may be held in a machine comprehensible form.

In the prototype implementations we found that the phrase books consisted of four distinct types of code: stub routines for making remote procedure calls, (small) interface procedures one for each exported command, data I/O routines (converting between the OpenMath representation and the application's internal representation), and some server routines for receiving and processing remote procedure calls.

To increase the range of commands which the system can call via the OpenMath interface it is necessary only to add one or more new stub routines. To increase the range of commands which the system exports via its OpenMath interface it is necessary only to write the (usually small) interface procedure; possibly a small addition to one of the server routines would be needed to (depending on the host language/system). If a new type of data is to be handled then the relevant I/O routines must be added. We can see from this that the various parts of the phrase are fairly well decoupled from each other, thus making it quite easy to extend the system's OpenMath interface. It is not necessary that the phrase book be implemented in this way, but our experience shows that this design has many advantages.

Node Types in OpenMath Trees

In prototype2.1, there were really too many different types of nodes in OpenMath trees: 15 altogether. The main objections to having many different types of node are the high conceptual complexity, and the corresponding bulk of the code for sending and receiving OpenMath trees. Probably the correct action is to choose an adequate specification for the moment, and review it after some practical experience has been gained.

Changing the definition of the OpenMath data-structure (currently the OpenMath tree) would be a fundamental change, which should be reflected in a new top-level version number. All the existing implementations would have to be changed accordingly, including phrase books. Consequently, there is a strong incentive to minimize the number of such changes; or, equivalently, after OpenMath has become sufficiently widespread it would be impractical to attempt such a fundamental change.

Lack of Error Handling

Although present in the specification of prototype2.1, error handling was not implemented in any of REDUCE, Maple or CoCoA largely due to lack of time (and it was hoped that it wouldn't be needed during the demonstrations). We note that some systems and languages support exception handling directly, while others do not: this greatly affects the ease of implementing proper error handling. There will always be some error conditions which cannot be handled (e.g. power failure).

The design of error handling in OpenMath prototype2.1 is intended to be sufficient to support reasonably "intelligent" error management, for example, for remote procedure calls. We note that some changes to the existing error reporting facilities of various systems may be needed to facilitate automatic handling of errors, particularly through a remote call.

Lack of Types

As demonstrated at MEGA'96, prototype2.1 used an essentially untyped representation: the "parse tree" representation. It relied on the built-in algebraic manipulation capabilities of the host systems (REDUCE, Maple, and CoCoA) to convert the parse tree into the application specific representation. Output using the parse tree format was very simple since the internal structures of these systems were tree-like.

Types were not implemented in the prototype for various reasons, but primarily due to lack of time (both to design how to incorporate type information and to implement the design). Moreover, for the small examples demonstrated (remote polynomial factorization, and remote polynomial decomposition) the advantages to including type information would not be evident: though, strictly, we must specify over which field to perform the factorization, and this information would naturally be supplied by the type of the polynomial.

Although REDUCE and Maple are largely untyped systems, in many cases it would not be hard for them to synthesize the necessary type information when they make or respond to a remote procedure call via OpenMath. In contrast, in typed systems, it may be important to have the type of the data given explicitly. For instance, the GCD of two polynomials with coefficients which happen to be integers depends on whether the polynomials are actually over the integers or the rationals.


Not surprisingly, the prototype design and implementations are not yet "complete". We hope that during discussions at this workshop a priority can be placed on the inclusion of the various absent features such as machine precision floating point numbers, type information, and quantified variables.

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