Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada July 10th, 2009
The workshop page is still 22nd OpenMath Workshop 2009
This workshop happened aside of CICM 2009.
The business meeting of the OpenMath society was also held and led to the decisions reported in the minutes.
####Monday June 25th
This day has been recorded.
#####MathML session (Chair: Patrick Ion)
#####OpenMath Session: Contributed talks
Christoph Lange, OM Presentation with Flexible Elisions (abstract and slides)
Paul Libbrecht: Content Dictionary Notations (abstract and slides)
Sam Dooley: A Functional Reformulation of MathML 2 Content Markup (abstract and slides)
OpenMath3 panel and brainstorming (moderator: Michael Kohlhase) (recording)
#####OpenMath Session: Contributed talks (Chair: Stephen Watt)
Paul Libbrecht, Bernhard Grün, Markus Thiele, and Cathrin Weiss: Visual validation of MathML-rendering (abstract and slides, recording)
Sebstian Xambo: Evolving the WebALT mathematical grammar library (abstract and slides, recording)
Rikko Verrijzer: MathDox (abstract and slides, recording)
Florian Rabe, OMDoc Theory Graphs Revisited (abstract and slides, recording)
James Davenport: Symbols, CDs and Signatures (abstract and slides, recording)
####Tuesday June 26th
#####Authoring Maths: Position talks (Chair: Paul Libbrecht)
Mika Seppälä: Why PowerPoint? (abstract and slides)
David Carlisle: Math XML in Office 2007 (abstract and slides, recording)
Bruce Miller: Why TeX and TexML? (abstract and slides, recording)
#####XML for Maths Tutorial presentations (Chair: Stephen Watt)
Patrick Ion: Markup for Mathematics (abstract and slides, recording)
Klaus Miesenberger: Accessibility Issues in Mathematics (abstract and slides, recording)
Stephen Watt: InkML and Mathematics (abstract and slides, recording)
#####JEM Session Contributed talks (Robert Miner)
Temur Kutsia: The SCIEnce project: symbolic computation for Europe
Ramon Eixarch: Intergeo, interoperability for Dynamic Geometry Systems based on OpenMath (abstract and slides, recording of low quality)
Matti Pauna: A JEM repository of educational content for mathematics (recording of low quality)
Eligio Cerval-Peña: From final answer to steps along the way (hand-outs, abstract and slides, recording of low quality and missing sound) )
##Remotely Watching the Workshop
Recordings of the Workshop are being processed and have a quite variable degree of quality unfortunately (with some holes and some sound missing). Please find:
Recording of day 1 (and its reference movie) (Miner, Kohlhase, Discussion & Panel, Libbrecht, Xambo, Verrijzer, Rabe, Davenport)
Recording of day 2 (and its reference movie) (Seppälä, Carlisle, Miller, Ion, Miesenberger, Watt, Eixarch (low-Q), Pauna (low-Q), Cerval-Peña (low-Q, no-sound))
All recordings are downloaded as an html page which can use javascript to navigate between the presentations or a very small reference movie which downloads the video content using the rtsp protocol. Only the parts viewed are actually downloaded and rewinding and forwarding always works though bandwidth may make it require a few seconds.
The workshop waspresented in rtsp in live from the URLs.
The ability to play the stream may strongly depend on network configuration and proxies. It is advised to use a firewall free NAT-free network but usage of UPnP and other protocols may help. If you can play the test stream at you will be able to watch the stream. Note that the jaggering-at-start is normal.
The main themes of this year’s meeting will be the Alignment with
MathML3 and the use of OpenMath in Education. The program will
consist of tutorials and contributed talks, and will be organized
into two one-day tracks.
The W3C has chartered the Math Working Group with revising the MathML2
standard until Spring 2008. In this endeavor, the Math working group
is revising the content-MathML sublanguage to be isomorphic with
OpenMath. This will greatly enhance interoperability of content
communication for math software systems. We will start off the track by
an OpenMath/MathML tutorial, and a presentation of the current content
MathML3 working draft.
The main topic will be discussions on technical issues of the alignment,
possible changes to OpenMath, and perspectives for content Mathematics.
The JEM, Joining Educational Mathematics, thematic network is promoting contributions that highlight new developments and use of semantic markup in digital content designed for eLearning. The possibility to manipulate and communicate mathematical objects without loss of information allows for rich, interactive materials that are ideal in education. New technologies, software libraries and tools, case studies, comparative surveys, and success stories related to semantic markup such e.g. OpenMath, Content MathML, MathBook-MathDox, OMDoc, MathQTI, PhysML, are also welcome.
##Related Events
The workshop takes place as part of the
RISC Summer 2007,
before the Workshop on Mathematical Interfaces (MathUI),
the 6th Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM2007),
and the Calculemus Symposium.
Registration will be handled by the RISC summer.
On June 25. 2007 the annual general meeting of the OpenMath Society will be held. More information will be posted as available on the OpenMath Society web pages.
##Call for contributions
We are calling for contributed talks on these topics.
Contributed Talks should be submitted by e-mail to the Organizers
along with one-page html-formatted abstract until June 1st 2007.
Olga Caprotti, Helsinki University:
Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen: