The OpenMath Standard on GitHub
04 Jul 2017The OpenMath Busniness Meeting in July 2016 decided that we need a revision of the OpenMath Standard e.g. to make content MathML an official OpenMath encoding, to clarify the role of XML 1.1 and the licensing of the OpenMath Standard Document, …
In the process of developing these, we opened a GitHub repository for the (current) OpenMath Standard to allow controlled and transparent standard development (issues, tracking changes, … ). David Carlisle completely reworked and updated the standard presentation workflow and automated it via GitHub’s continuous integration facility (travis), the results are automatically pushed to the OpenMath web site (new) (as an “editor’s draft”).
We intend to decide on the new revision on the OpenMath Society Business Meeting at the OpenMath Workshp in Edinburgh on July 17.