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Author: J B Collins
2010-08-25 This CD defines symbols to represent the names of named derived units the SI (Syst\'eme International) system of units. (DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/DIS 80000-1 - "Quantities and units", 2008). Each unit refers to a corresponding derived quantity in SI_DerivedQuantities.ocd.
This symbol represents one gram. This unit is implied by the incorporation of the prefix "kilo" in the base unit standard, kilogram. Since SI prefixes may not, by SI standard, be presented by prepending to "kilogram", the gram is introduced for the application of prefixes. By itself, gram should not appear in SI compliant presentation. It has the short symbol form, "g".
[Next: radian] [Last: katal] [Top] |
This symbol represents one radian, the natural unit of measure for angle. It has the short symbol form, "rad".
[Next: steradian] [Previous: gram] [Top] |
This symbol represents one steradian, the natural unit of measure for solid angle. It has the short symbol form, "sr".
[Next: hertz] [Previous: radian] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of frequency. It has the short symbol form, "Hz".
[Next: newton] [Previous: steradian] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of force. It has the short symbol form, "N".
[Next: pascal] [Previous: hertz] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of pressure. It has the short symbol form, "Pa".
[Next: joule] [Previous: newton] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of energy. It has the short symbol form, "J".
[Next: watt] [Previous: pascal] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of power, a joule per second. It has the short symbol form, "W".
[Next: coulomb] [Previous: joule] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electric charge. It has the short symbol form, "C".
[Next: volt] [Previous: watt] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of voltage or electric tension. It has the short symbol form, "V".
[Next: farad] [Previous: coulomb] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electric capacitance. It has the short symbol form, "F".
[Next: ohm] [Previous: volt] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical resistance. It has the short symbol form, "\Omega;".
[Next: siemens] [Previous: farad] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical conductance. It is not plural. It has the short symbol form, "S".
[Next: weber] [Previous: ohm] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux. It has the short symbol form, "Wb".
[Next: tesla] [Previous: siemens] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of magnetic flux density. It has the short symbol form, "T".
[Next: henry] [Previous: weber] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of electrical inductance. It has the short symbol form, "H".
[Next: degree-Celsius] [Previous: tesla] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of Celsius temperature. It has the short symbol form, "ºC".
[Next: lumen] [Previous: henry] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of luminous flux. It has the short symbol form, "lm".
[Next: lux] [Previous: degree-Celsius] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of illuminance. It has the short symbol form, "lx".
[Next: becquerel] [Previous: lumen] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of radio nuclide activity, or radioactivity. A becquerel of activity represents one nuclear decay event per second. It has the short symbol form, "Bq".
[Next: gray] [Previous: lux] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of absorbed dose of ionizing, radiation. A gray of absorbed dose represents one joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, "Gy".
[Next: sievert] [Previous: becquerel] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of ionizing, radiation. A sievert of equivalent dose represents one joule of biologically damaging energy absorbed per kilogram of mass. It has the short symbol form, "Sv".
[Next: katal] [Previous: gray] [Top] |
This symbol represents an SI unit of equivalent dose of catalytic activity. A katal of catalytic activity represents the amount of catalyst to effect one mole of catalytic conversion per second. It has the short symbol form, "kat".
[First: gram] [Previous: sievert] [Top] |