Mathematics on the Semantic Web

Technical University of Eindhoven.

May 12-14 2003.

Opening Cohen
Short Presentations Viglione How to achieve user-friendly interactivity in mathematical exercises on the Web [PDF](/ and [HTML](/
Lavirotte Plan for a mathematical content editor based on SVG display [PDF](/
Kohlhase Towards a Mizar Mathematical Library in OMDoc format [PDF](/
Sexton Glyph recognition for optical mathematical text capture
Invited Lectures Newhouse Grid Services [PDF](/
Nederpelt Formalizing Mathematics in the Automath Tradition [HTML](/
Linton Interfacing with GAP [PDF](/
MKM Session Chair: Davenport
Davenport MKM Overview
Dewar Semantic Markup for Legacy Documents [HTML](/
Rioboo The Foc Project
Autexier Management of Change in MAYA [PDF](/
Libbrecht Authoring semantic mathematical documents with QMath and OQMath [HTML](/
Libbrecht ActiveMath: Latest Developments Update [HTML](/
MoWGLI Session Chair: Asperti
Sacerdoti Coen XML encoding and transformation of the Coq library
Padovani The GTK Mathview widget [PDF](/
Bertot Mathematical Interfaces [HTML](/
Goguadze Metadata for mathematical documents
CALCULEMUS Session Chair: Benzmüller
Benzmüller The CALCULEMUS Network — A brief Introduction [PDF](/
Cohen / Sorge Groups and Certificates [PDF](/
Trybulec The evolution of the Mizar Mathematical Library [PDF](/
Zimmer The MathWeb Software Bus and Theorem Proving Services
TYPES Session Chair: Geuvers
Geuvers The use of types to formalize mathematics
Luo The type-theoretic approach to mathematical vernacular [HTML](/
Bertot Types for Proofs, Computers and Mathematics [PDF](/
Ballarin Isabelle/Isar: formal, yet human-readable proof documents [PDF](/
MONET Session Chair: Dewar
Dewar The MONET Project [HTML](/
Chicha / Gaëtano Putting Bernina on the Web [PDF](/
Caprotti The Mathematical Service Description Language
Horrocks OWL: an Ontology Language for the Semantic Web [PDF](/
OpenMath Session Chair: Cohen
Hagen XML, TeX and Math
Reinaldo Barreiro Context in Interactive Mathematical Documents
Kohlhase Towards OpenMath version 2 [PDF](/