The OpenMath Society, informally OMS, is an association established in accordance with the laws of Finland.
The Society is based in Helsinki, Finland.
The purpose of the Society is to promote the development of all aspects of the use of information technology in mathematics, with particular emphasis on the presentation and application of mathematics in computer networks.
In particular, the Society will, at an international level, aim to promote the technology required for mathematical research (pure and applied), teaching, and the use of mathematics in general.
To achieve its aims the Society may prepare proposals and motions, make statements, organise courses and seminars, arrange negotiations and meetings, operate as a publisher, award grants and represent its membership.
To support its activities the Society may collect membership fees from its members and may receive donations and legacies as well as grants from both public and private sources. The Society may own real estate and movable property.
The Society may accept, as an ordinary member, any person who supports the Society’s purpose, as described in Article 2 above.
The Society may accept, as a supporting member, any person or legal entity that wishes to support the Society’s aims or activities.
Applications to become ordinary members and supporting members will be considered by the Executive Committee of the Society.
A person who has promoted the Society’s activities in a remarkable way may be invited to become the Honorary President or an Honorary Member. The Society’s Executive Committee will propose such invitations to a Meeting of the Society, and a General Meeting of the Society has to agree to such an invitation.
The number of non-Finnish members may exceed one third of the total.
Members may terminate their membership by giving notice in writing to the Executive Committee or to the President, or by notifying the Society at its meeting, such notice to be recorded in the minutes.
The Executive Committee may decide to expel a member if the member has not paid the membership fees or has otherwise neglected the duties of a member of the Society or has damaged the reputation of the Society in some way.
Members and supporting members pay registration and membership dues as determined by the General meeting. The Honorary President and Honorary Members do not pay membership fees.
The body of the Society with decision-making powers is the General Meeting of the Society. The executive body is the Executive Committee of the Society. The Executive Committee will consist of the President and of five to seven (5-7) ordinary members of the Society as elected by a General Meeting of the Society.
The period of office is the time between consecutive Annual General Meetings.
The Executive Committee will elect one of its members to the position of Vice-President of the Society, and will appoint a Secretary, Treasurer, and other necessary officers who need not be members of the Executive Committee.
Meetings of the Executive Committee will be convened, whenever necessary, by the President, or in his absence by the Vice-President. The Executive Committee will also meet whenever at least half of its members request that it do so.
The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be at least half of its members plus either the President or the Vice-President. Decisions will be determined by a simple majority of votes cast, with the President having a casting vote in the event of a tie except in the case of an election, which will be decided by lot.
Two of the following officers together may sign on behalf of the Society: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. The accounts together with the necessary accompanying documents including the Executive Committee’s report on its activities shall be submitted to the auditors at least three weeks before the Annual General Meeting. The auditors’ report shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General meetings of the Society will be convened by the Executive Committee and the meetings take place every year during the period January 1 - May 31.
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society will take place whenever a General Meeting of the Society so decides, or whenever the Executive Committee convenes such a meeting, or whenever at least one tenth (1/10) of the Society members request, in writing to the Executive Committee, such a meeting. Such a meeting has to take place within 30 days of the request.
In a General Meeting every member, Honorary President and Honorary Member will have one vote. Supporting members may be present at meetings and participate in the discussions.
A Decision of the Meeting will be, unless the bylaws require otherwise, the opinion that has been supported by more than half of the votes cast. In the case of equal votes the President of the Meeting will have the casting vote, except in elections which will be decided by lot.
To convene the Society’s General Meeting, the Executive Committee must give all members at least seven days notice either by writing to them individually or by placing an announcement in a newspaper appearing in the town where the Society is based.
The agenda of an Annual General Meeting will include the following items.
In the case that a member of the Society wishes to add an item to the agenda of a General Meeting, they must inform the Executive Committee in good time prior to the meeting.
Any proposal to amend the statutes or to dissolve or merge the Society must be passed by three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast in a General meeting. Such a matter can be decided only if it has been included in the Agenda of the Meeting which was sent to the members when the meeting was convened.
In the event of the Society being dissolved or abolished, any assets remaining after discharge of all debts shall be transferred to a legal body having aims similar to those of the Society.