SCSCP stands for the Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
SCSCP has been originally developed in the EU FP6 project 026133 SCIEnce - Symbolic Computation Infrastructure for Europe.
The current edition of the Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol is SCSCP Version 1.3.
SCSCP Version 1.1 and SCSCP Version 1.2 are also available.
Currently (April 2017), support of OpenMath and SCSCP is available in the following computer algebra systems:
KANT - with KANT 4 SCSCP Package
Maple - with packages SCSCP[Client], SCSCP[Server] and MapleNET (Maple SCSCP client became available in Maple 16, see here)
Mathematica - with SCSCP4Mathematica package.
MuPAD - with the MuPAD OpenMath Package
Remarkably, most of OpenMath and SCSCP implementations produced in the SCIEnce project stay mainly within the computer algebra systems rather than in custom-built wrappers.
To facilitate SCSCP implementations, the following API and middleware is available:
C/C++ SCSCP library providing a C/C++ API to develop client and server SCSCP-compliant applications
MiniSCSCP++ - C++ library providing a simple C++ SCSCP client
Software demonstration which involves some of the above mentioned software products, given at the 3rd_SCIEnce_Workshop in Paris during CICM 2010 in July 2010.
Deliverable report D3.3: Support for the SCSCP interface protocol in the distribution of all relevant components produced by the OpenDreamKit project in February 2017.