OpenMath is an extensible standard for representing the semantics of mathematical objects.
Author: Nobuki Takayama
The word "where" is often used in mathematical expressions to set variables or to say side conditions. CDname logic1.implies can be used for these purposes, but "where" will be more intuitive and more friendly expression for formula book writers.
<OMOBJ xmlns=""> <OMA><OMS cd="logic1p" name="where"/> <OMBIND> <OMS cd="fns1" name="lambda"/> <OMBVAR> <OMV name="n"/> </OMBVAR> <OMA><OMS cd="arith1" name="power"/> <OMV name="x"/> <OMV name="n"/> </OMA> </OMBIND> <OMA><OMS cd="relation1" name="eq"/> <OMV name="n"/> <OMI> 10 </OMI> </OMA> </OMA> </OMOBJ>
<math xmlns=""> <apply><csymbol cd="logic1p">where</csymbol> <bind><csymbol cd="fns1">lambda</csymbol> <bvar><ci>n</ci></bvar> <apply><csymbol cd="arith1">power</csymbol><ci>x</ci><ci>n</ci></apply> </bind> <apply><csymbol cd="relation1">eq</csymbol><ci>n</ci><cn type="integer">10</cn></apply> </apply> </math>