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This CD contains operators to deal with polynomials and more precisely
Univariate Polynomials.
Note that recursive polynomials are regarded as univariates in their most
significant variable (as defined by the order in PolynomialRingR:
the first variable to appear is the most significant),
with monomials in decreasing order of exponent, and coefficients
being polynomials in the rest of the variables, and therefore univariates
are a special case. This is provided as a separate CD to allow for
univariate-only operations (e.g. composition) and for systems that only
understand univariates, e.g. NTL. These polynomials are also used to
express minimal polynomials for algebraic extensions (see setname2).
Based on recursive polynomials 2003-08-06 JHD
Definition of data-structure constructors
The polynomial x^6 + 3*x^5 +2 can be conceptually encoded as
It lies in polynomial_ring_u(Z,x)
A constructor for monomials, that is products of powers and
elements of the base ring.
First argument is from N (the exponent of the variable
implied by an outer poly_u_rep)
second argument is a coefficient (from the ground field)
A constructor for the representation of polynomials.
The first argument is the polynomial variable, the rest are
monomials (in decreasing order of exponent).